The goal of the Services for People with Blindness and Visual Impairments (DSB) is to maximize employment opportunities and independence for persons with visual disabilities
Visual Impairment - Vocational Rehabilitation Unit
The Visual Impairment Services unit provides employment services to persons that are blind and visually impaired who are looking for a job or want to retain or advance in their current career. DSB believes with the right specialized independent living skills, orientation and mobility training, adaptive technology and vocational training opportunities, a person who is blind or visually impaired can be a competitive and valuable employee.
Assistive Technology Services
Assistive technology devices are used by persons with disabilities to help them maintain their independence in their home and community and access or retain employment in their current career. The RSA Assistive Technology team of qualified specialist will conduct a comprehensive cost-free assessment to identify the best equipment to help people meet their personal independent living, educational, and professional goals. The Assistive Technology team will also train and provide ongoing support to help persons with disabilities to utilize adaptive aids and computer software in the most effective way.
Independent Living Older Blind Program
The Independent Living Older Blind Program (ILOB) program provides in-home and community-based services to support persons that are blind and living with vision loss who are fifty five years of age and older. The ILOB program has dedicated and trained staff to serve this specialized population.
To maximize resources and service delivery, DC RSA also partners with a number of government agencies and non-profit organizations within the DC Metropolitan area.