People who live with their families or independently may report incidents to their DDA Service Coordinator or to a staff member of a provider agency. It is the responsibility of the person who is informed to enter the incident into MCIS.
When incidents occur on a Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) contracted transportation provider’s vehicle, the residential services provider is responsible for reporting the incident into MCIS. If the person does not receive residential services (Residential Habilitation, Supported Living, Periodic Supported Living or Host Home), the person who discovers or is informed of the incident must notify the DDA Transportation Liaison, who will be responsible for entering the incident, or ensuring that it is entered into MCIS.
All providers must report all incidents to the proper authorities, as appropriate, including but not limited to:
- Emergency personnel, as needed, via 911.
- The person’s parent or guardian, unless otherwise documented as contraindicated.
- The person’s DDA service coordinator or DDA Duty Officer.
- Non–residential service providers must report incidents to the person’s residential provider, if they have one.
- The Department of Health/Health Regulation and Licensing Administration (DOH/HRLA) for Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ICF/IDD) and Residential Habilitation homes at (202) 442-5833.
- The Metropolitan Police Department, if the incident involved criminal misconduct, a missing person, or an unexpected death, at (202) 727-9099.
- Adult Protective Services for alleged abuse, neglect or exploitation of adults occurring in a natural home, at (202) 541-3950.
- The District’s Child and Family Services Agency for alleged abuse, neglect or exploitation of children under 21 years old living in a natural home, at (202) 671-SAFE (202) 671-7233.
- The DDS IMEU Supervisory Investigator shall report all SRIs to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) by 5 pm the next business day following receipt of the SRI by the Immediate Response Committee.