Restrictive Controls Review Committee (RCRC) is under the Office of Rights and Advocacy (ORA). RCRC is responsible for reviewing designated restrictive controls to ensure people’s rights are protected and that the person’s behavior support plan (BSP) conforms to DDS policies and procedures.
The RCRC shall review all BSP’s that meet one of the following criteria:
- All BSP’s involving individualized staffing due to behavioral health concerns.
- All BSP’s involving non-crisis use of physical restraint.
- All BSP’s that involve the use of any other restrictive intervention.
- All BSP’s for people who are prescribed psychotropic medication to affect or alter thought processes, mood, sleep, or behavior.
- Any BSP or request for exemption that is referred to the RCRC by the person, a member of their support team, or by the provider HRC.
- All initial requests for exemption from having a BSP.
The RCRC is responsible for:
- RCRC shall review BSPs to ensure that restrictive controls are used only as a last resort, when active treatment strategies have been considered / attempted and would not protect the person or others from harm.
- RCRC members are responsible for staying abreast of and following all DDA policies and procedures pertaining to restrictive controls, behavior support plans, and human rights; for attending any required trainings; and for reviewing RCRC packets prior to the meeting.
- RCRC members will maintain the confidentiality of the people being reviewed and the contents of the plan.
- Committee members shall actively support people who attend meetings to discuss their BSP and any concerns they may have.
- RCRC will monitor areas of potential conflict within the committee and ensure members who identify an area of conflict recuse themselves for that particular decision.
- RCRC’s function and duties shall be to review and approve or reject BSPs to ensure that the plan:
- Demonstrates that the restrictive/ intrusive control is the last resort and that proactive, positive strategies have been considered/attempted and would not protect the person or others from harm;
- Includes a rationale for the use of each restrictive/intrusive control;
- Describes the benchmarks for reducing the use of each restrictive/intrusive control;
- When psychotropic medication(s) are used, includes a goal for medication titration, a physician’s statement as to why a therapeutic dosage of medication should not be lowered, or specific documented evidence from previous titration attempts it is contraindicated;
- Contains positive strategies to enhance skills and, where possible, address target behaviors using the least intrusive/restrictive means;
- Preserve’s people’s rights to self-determination and choice; and
- Is consistent with established DDS policies and procedures.
- The RCRC shall identify any systemic issues that arise for providers, DDA, and/or other government agencies regarding the use of restrictive controls and make recommendations to the DDS Deputy Director for DDA.