The DDS Definitions Appendix defines the terms and acronyms relevant to the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) service delivery system.
- E -
A situation in which an individual is found to meet those criteria set forth in the Intake policy which would allow him/her to access and receive services through the DDS service system.
Eligibility Criteria
The requirements that an applicant must meet in order to receive services through the DDA service delivery system.
Eligibility Date
The date the Intake and Eligibility Determination Unit determines that an individual is eligible to receive DDA services.
Eligibility Determination
The process by which the DDA Administration examines information relative to an applicant to determine if the applicant meets the statutory criteria for eligibility.
Eligibility Determination Team
The group responsible for determining eligibility for services that will include members of the Intake and Eligibility Unit and other clinical professionals as determined based on the individual characteristics of each person.
Any issue, whether individual or provider related, which requires or may require the immediate assistance or intervention of staff at DDA (Le. serious behavioral, medical, imminent danger, issues which adversely affect individual care, movement of individuals due to fires, utility outages, flood staff shortages).
Emergency Admission
An emergency admission is made to a respite setting or residential support services when the person's health and welfare is considered to be in imminent risk as a result of abuse or neglect, or the person is homeless, has lost natural caregivers or because other aspects of a person's life or living situation have rapidly deteriorated, and is not capable of ensuring his/her own health and welfare without supervision and support. If any DDS employee has reason to believe that an emergency admission is required, he or she shall notify his or her division director within one (1) business day.
Emergency Protocols
The use of physical intervention not approved by a behavior support plan; however the intervention is used to prevent immediate harm to individual or others. Examples include but are not limited to preventing an individual from running into traffic, or causing serious physical injury to self or others
Emergency Use of Restraints
The use of physical intervention not approved by a behavior support plan; however the intervention is used to prevent immediate harm to individual or others. Examples include but are not limited to preventing an individual from running into traffic, or causing serious physical injury to self or others.
Employee Orientation
Tier one training curricula with learning competencies that are designed to provide the employee orientation which addresses the direct support needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. These training curricula must be completed prior to assignment of an employee to a direct service location with responsibility to support a person served by DDA.
Funds committed for the payment of goods and services ordered but not yet received.
Enhanced Training
Tier four training curricula with learning competencies that build upon those developed in the employee orientation and core curriculum which address the direct support needs of such individuals. These training curricula must be completed annually.
Evaluation or Comprehensive Evaluation
[needs definition]
Evidence Based Practice
Evidence-based practice is the conscientious, judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about care to individuals with disabilities. This approach is derived from the concept of evidence-based medicine, which began to.
The illegal or improper act or process of an employee, contractor, consultant, volunteer, or intern, using the resources of an individual for their own monetary or personal benefit or gain. This may include, but is not limited to: a. Coercion or manipulation of an individual to spend his or her own personal funds for something the individual may not have use for; and a. The soliciting of gifts, funds, labor, or favors.